Desert Rose

  • CarolF4
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Desert Rose was created by CarolF4

Posted 1 year 5 months ago #79110
So, I recently received a new good size Desert Rose from someone I previous ordered from. The previous order was in good health and is still doing fine.
This order, however, when it arrived I noticed alot of black in the caudex and roots. So, I opened it to clear out the fungus -the whole caudex was empty and mush, along with the roots and a couple to the stems. So, by the time I cleaned it all out and cut out the black areas not too much left. So, I cinnamon it and it is sitting airing out. I got a hold of the person who sold it to me and sent her the before pics and after pics of the cleaning out. I do not hold much to it surviving-but, I am trying. So, we shall see.

I am enclosing some b before and after pics.

by CarolF4

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Replied by CarolF4 on topic Desert Rose

Posted 1 year 5 months ago #79112
The woman I got it from just informed me that she is sending me out a replacement Desert Rose.
by CarolF4

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Replied by Tropfrog on topic Desert Rose

Posted 1 year 5 months ago #79113
If survived that may be a cool feature in the future. I know a man experimenting with rotting root caudex plants, cleaning out and plant with exposed roots. Some die, the ones survived looks awsome. But unfortunately they don't fit my budget.

Ohh, yes. That is the result you get from watering desert rose in winter. They must be bone dry in winter for best health.
by Tropfrog

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Replied by CarolF4 on topic Desert Rose

Posted 1 year 5 months ago #79114
I got it in that condition. She is sending me a replacement plant.
by CarolF4

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Replied by Tropfrog on topic Desert Rose

Posted 1 year 5 months ago #79115

I got it in that condition. She is sending me a replacement plant.

Yes I understand that from your previous posts.

I guess what I ment to say was: Unless she have different care routines for different specimens all the plants risks to have various degree of health problems. Wrong care affects every specimen.
by Tropfrog

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Replied by CarolF4 on topic Desert Rose

Posted 1 year 5 months ago #79168
Did not water. Came like that.
by CarolF4

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Replied by Tropfrog on topic Desert Rose

Posted 1 year 5 months ago #79170
Yes I understand it came like that, was not comenting on your care at all.
by Tropfrog

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