Introduce yourself!

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Replied by BassandBonsai on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 11 months ago #559
Alright, here goes. I took a picture of just about everything, and here they are!
1. the aralia group planting from Meijer
2. a branch I'm trying to root from the Texas Ebony
3. the lucky bamboo aunt Lucy was going to throw out
4. a branch from the willow tree I'm trying to root in water
5. some pieces of wood I'm trying to carve
6. the Texas Ebony I got at a workshop at the Indianapolis Bonsai Club
7. Phil, my first bonsai, a Japanese Black Pine from Epcot
8. an Eastern Redbud I hope to pot soon, growing next to the deck
9. the seed tray, where I'm hoping my azaleas will sprout
10. the leafless mulberry tree, which I'm hoping is still alive
11. the trunk of the mulberry, with some groundcover plant my grandma Linda gave me
12. the mystery plant I dug up from Aunt Lucy's yard, with Phil on his rock in the background
13. the willow branch I'm trying to air-layer
14. a closeup of the air-layer wrapping

Mom has been very forgiving about me taking over her indoor plant space, even moving aside a couple from their traditional places! She really does help me with my new friends, and she's not so bad with plants herself. She got her orchids to flower! She has been very supportive, and while dad doesn't understand why I like bonsai so much, he drives me to bonsai meetings. :cheer:
Last Edit:12 years 11 months ago by BassandBonsai

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Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by BassandBonsai. Reason: I need to give credit where credit is due.

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Replied by Youri1995 on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 11 months ago #563

I see you've got alot going on there, cool! I like that you first try carving on dead pieces of wood before doing it on trees that are alive, with this you can get experience in this technique.

I like your garden! :)
by Youri1995

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Replied by Leslie on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 11 months ago #568
Wow! You are a busy lady, Hannah! Good for you. The Aralia is a lovely plant with delicate looking leaves and great structure. Phil is just too adorable! :P My live in a beautiful spot with the river, bridge and trees. Looking forward to following your progress with all your projects. Thanks so much for sharing them. :)

by Leslie

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Replied by Pinkham on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 11 months ago #734
Hi All,
I guess it's my turn to introduce myself.
My name is Lance. I live in Maine. I'm 42 years old.
My brother introduced me to bonsai last year. He had about 7 or 8 trees that he didn't take very good care of. He kept them all inside so they died, and now he's lost interest. I on the other hand have not.I did research on anything I wanted to dig up or buy before I got them ...except for a few that were impulse buys. I started last spring with a privet that was supposed to be a hedge, but was never planted. Since then I have added to my pre-bonsai collection. here's what I have now....
Limelight Hydrangea
eastern redbud
2 beech
Norway spruce
2 rugosa rose
white pine(my only finished tree)
Stag horn sumac
Common lilac
and about 17 weeping willows that I rooted in water from a tree in my yard.
This year has been very busy and rewarding for me.I did a first styling on my juniper, started wiring the sourwood,started clipping branches and "pot layering" the privet, plucked the new growth that was unwanted on my Spruce and successfully conquered a fungus that was attacking my pine.
This hobby has turned in to an obsession for me. I love going out in the spring searching for Yamadori.That's how I got my beech and Norway spruce :)
anyway, that's my story :)
Thanks for reading.
Last Edit:12 years 11 months ago by Pinkham
Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by Pinkham.

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Replied by leatherback on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 11 months ago #735
Hi Lance,

Sounds like you can start your own exhibition soon! Sounds like fun. Only problem.. You can never go on holidays again now! ;)
by leatherback

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Replied by Leslie on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 11 months ago #737
Hi Lance!

Gee, it's about time you told me who you are! :whistle: :lol:
It's a pleasure to *officially* meet you, Sir. I enjoy your posts and photos so much and am learning a lot from your progressions. Thank you for sharing!

Ahhh...Maine. There is one State that I'd like to visit...particularly the coast 'and' the *Andrew Wyeth Museum & Gallery*. My dream is to meet Jamie Wyeth and talk art with him. ;) ...sigh...

So glad you've got the *bonsai addiction* and joined us here on the forum. Your contributions are really valuable. Chat with you later! :P

by Leslie

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Replied by BassandBonsai on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 11 months ago #817
Welcome to the herd! I followed you and successfully rooted and potted a little branch from my willow, and even though it lost all of its leaves while I was at camp, it soon grew these adorable little rounded leaves. (Thanks to mom for watering while I was away.) Let me know how your eastern redbud turns out, because I have one growing in my backyard!
If I ever come to Maine, I'll be sure to visit. It's nice to know another person from the states is on here!
by BassandBonsai

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Replied by Leslie on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 10 months ago #1116
"Welcome to the herd!"...giggle...I like that! I must remember that one. ;)

by Leslie

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Replied by BassandBonsai on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 10 months ago #1124
It's actually not mine. It's what a My Little Pony fan traditionally says to someone who formerly disliked My Little Pony but has since become a fan, a "filly" or "brony", depending on who it is.
Hopefully we can get some new recruits, to both My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Bonsai Empire!
by BassandBonsai

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Replied by JoanieOaks on topic Helloooooo!! :)

Posted 12 years 10 months ago #1184
Hi everyone!

My name is John and I'm new to both this site and to Bonsai as a hobby and an art! I may end up asking what seem some stupid questions but figure you guys know what it's like when you start off!

I have really become interested in gardening and plant rearing this year after converting our small garden from a pile of decaying wood chip, moss and fungus, into a grassed area that we can use and some flowerbeds! I've also been growing our own fresh fruit and veg to for my partner and I - rather than having to buy the rubbish from the supermarket. I know that this isn't anything really to do with Bonsai, but it's from there I took a look at what I could do inside the house that involved a little more than "buy plant, display plant".

When I'm not in the garden or reading a Bonsai book, I work as a primary school teacher in Wolverhampton, England where I also live with my partner, Laura, and my dog, Jasper.

I'm currently cold stratifying 11 Juniperus Chinensis seeds and am patiently looking forward to my Bonsai experiences in the years to come! I believe that it's important to start completely at the beginning and learn from the mistakes along the way - and will look at getting a pre-grown tree to practise wiring and other techniques along the way.

Aren't we lucky that we live in such a multimedia age where there are videos, articles and Bonsai grips such as this to help us along the way?

I'm really looking forward to being an active part of this group and to sharing what I'm up to - and benefiting from your advice and experience that you're willing to share!

Thanks in advance everyone!!

John, Wolverhampton, UK.
(Twitter: @JoanieOaks )
Follow my Bonsai/Life blog: This Was Yesterday
by JoanieOaks

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