Introduce yourself!

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Replied by manofthetrees on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2417
well since we're on the subject i have princess kiki ,kali wali and kacey 2 face.
kacey has different markings on each half of her body you could draw a line from her nose to her tail.kali is her sister and is a total nutball kiki is my girlfriend's cat and yes she is a princess :P
by manofthetrees

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Replied by Leslie on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2420
Thanks for sharing, Keith! Another cat lover...very cool! B)
by Leslie

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Replied by leatherback on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2421
Well.. Suppose I have to chip in a dime too.. Our cat, maumau moquai always announces it's entry into the house. Probably because he wants to be fed. But still, we ended up going from 'pigeonkiller' to maumau moquai, losely translated from chinese that means: Hair monster :D.

By the way.. The cat is certainly not bonsai-sized..

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Replied by Leslie on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2425
Ooohhh...Maumau is gorgeous! He's such a beautiful colour and has a very handsome face. And he's *Huge*! Thanks for sharing, J. :cheer:

Hey, I've got an idea...:woohoo:...seeing as we're kind of off-topic here, let's start a new topic for "Introduce Your Pet(s)" where we share a photo and a little story about our pets. Jelle, seeing as you have shared a photo here, ask if can be moved or just share the same in the new topic!

I'll start the new topic now here in Bonsai Cafe. ;)
by Leslie

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Replied by daniele on topic I introduce myself

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2486
Hello everyone, my name is Danielle.
I grow bonsai for some time but I stopped for health reasons. Now health is good and I start to grow bonsai.
I live in France, below the Vercors (Alpes), elevation 237mètres, UDSA 7.
I live in a house with a garden. We have a little snow in winter and temperatures often do not descend below -10 ° C, sometimes up to - 15 - 19 ° C but this is rare and for a short time.
The reason of my presence among you is the topic on the hydrangeas.
I had a crush on a schyzophragma hydrangeoïdes and I would like to share my future work with you to enrich the topic.
Good day to all.

My english is not very good !!! I hope you understand me ;)
by daniele

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Replied by manofthetrees on topic Re: I introduce myself

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2489
howdy danielle,
well to start welcome and glad to hear your health has improved
your english is much better than some americans i have met so you have no worries there.i can't wait to see your prodject, i have been curious on how a hydrangea would do as bonsai.
by manofthetrees

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Replied by Leslie on topic Re: I introduce myself

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2492
Hi Daniele,

Welcome to the forum! So glad you could join us. :cheer:

I just rooted my first hydrangea cutting so I'm looking forward to sharing with you. Make yourself at home here and if you have any questions, this is the place to ask. The Bonsai Empire website has lots of very helpful information, articles, videos and progressions so take you time to familiarize yourself with the site. To access the website simply go to the *Main Menu* in the dark gray box just above your profile photo on the upper left of the can go to the gray bar at the very top of the page (just below the Bonsai Empire logo). There are various sub-catagories under each heading. Enjoy!

Such a wonderful gift that you have regained your health. :) Good day to you!
by Leslie

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Replied by daniele on topic Re: I introduce myself

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2495
:) hello,
thank you for your welcome.
For now the hydrangea has too many leaves to make a correct picture, but as soon as all have fallen I will show you the extraordinary trunk of this plant ! the bark is peeled off in places like the trunk of some very old pine...very nice for me.
I put my project in a topic as soon as the photos will be made.

Good day or maybe good evening ... here it is early in the morning, I'll go to work in a moment!
Last Edit:12 years 8 months ago by daniele
Last edit: 12 years 8 months ago by daniele.

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Replied by Youri1995 on topic Re: I introduce myself

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2511
Hi Daniele,

Glad you found the forum! :)

Can't wait to see some of your pictures of your hydrangea!

Don't hesitate to make a topic, or make your own gallery with pictures of your trees.

See you on the forum!
by Youri1995

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Replied by daniele on topic Re: Introduce yourself!

Posted 12 years 8 months ago #2512
sorry, I just saw that there was a topic to introduce yourself ... my post is not the right place!

I put my presentation in the right place :)
Last Edit:12 years 8 months ago by daniele
Last edit: 12 years 8 months ago by daniele.

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